Thinking about context

This is the third in a series of posts about why personalisation needs context. In my last post I wrote about Joe Pine’s idea that we can create new value by customising goods, products, services and experiences. And I wrote about how I believe we’re starting to do the next logical thing: we are customising […]

A single version of you

In my last post I suggested that there are around 200 organisations that have their own version of you in their systems. Your shopping history with them (and only them), your credit card information, your address (possibly an old one), your email (possibly out of date, or incorrectly spelled through manual error), your age (guessed), […]

Why stories matter

This is the second of three posts about your personal data, about why they tell a story, and why that matters. When you sew together the many separate pieces of my personal data one can start to tell a story… A story about my shopping habits (think Tesco clubcard) A story about my finances (think […]

Telling stories

[update: I originally put this up this as a single, much longer post, but based on feedback have decided to split it out it into three – the others are here and here) Recently I wrote about some of the challenges and unwanted outcomes from sharing personal data. But what about the opportunities? I believe […]